December 10th,2020
Client is not King
Not When it comes to UI Design
I'm sure you have heard of this : the client is king, we live for our clients... and all that jazz
Well this might be true, But when it comes to design, it's not!
Talk in their language, they only understand one language that is Business and growth
Your job as a designer is to communicate a clear message, to solve a problem.
They want to make money, you want to make a good design. Realise the control is in your hands, and design something that fits the project and the budget. Now convince the client how it would help his/her business make money, not how it made your brain orgasm.
You are designing for the audience, not for the client which means, now your end goal is to think about the user's experience.

The audience is the true King.

Clients have their own suggestions, but it doesn't mean you should always follow them because clients' view may not align with users' view.
Your client might not like the final outcomes, but remember that, your client is a businessman and they like the growth
The number one priority of design is to solve a problem, not to impress the client.